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How to Install Cursor AI-Step by Step Guide


How to Install Cursor AI: step by step Guide

To install Cursor AI, follow this step-by-step guide based on the information available.

System Requirements

Ensure your system meets the following requirements before installation:

  • Operating System: Windows 10/11, macOS, or Linux (Ubuntu)
  • RAM: Minimum 4GB (8GB recommended)
  • Storage: At least 1GB of free disk space
  • Internet Connection: Required for AI features

Installation Steps

1. Download Cursor AI

  • Visit the official Cursor AI website at cursor.com.
  • Click on the “Download” button for your operating system.

2. Install Cursor AI

For Windows and macOS

  • Locate the downloaded installer file (e.g., .exe for Windows or .dmg for macOS).
  • Double-click the file to run the installer.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

For Linux (Ubuntu)

  • Download the Linux version from the Cursor AI website.

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is located.

  • Make the AppImage executable by running:

    chmod +x cursor-0.8.5.AppImage
  • If you encounter an error related to libfuse.so.2, install FUSE using:

    sudo apt-get install fuse
  • Run the AppImage by executing:


3. Launch Cursor AI

  • After installation, open Cursor AI from your applications list.
  • You may need to create a new account or log in with existing credentials.

4. Initial Setup

  • Upon first launch, you will be guided through an initial setup wizard.
  • Configure your preferences, including AI coding settings and any API keys if required.

5. Importing Projects

  • To start coding, click on “File” > “Open Folder” to load your existing project or create a new one.

Following these steps will allow you to successfully install and set up Cursor AI, enabling you to leverage its AI-powered features for enhanced coding productivity. Enjoy coding with your new AI assistant!

What are the privacy settings available in Cursor AI

Cursor AI offers several privacy settings to protect your code and data:

Privacy Mode

The most important privacy feature is Privacy Mode. When enabled in Cursor's settings, none of your code will ever be stored by Cursor AI or any third-party (except for OpenAI and Anthropic, which provide the AI models).

No Code Storage

With Privacy Mode turned on, your code is never stored anywhere other than your local machine and will never be used to train Cursor AI's models. This ensures your code remains completely private and secure.

SOC 2 Compliance

Cursor AI is SOC 2 compliant, meaning they have undergone audits to verify their systems and processes adhere to strict security standards. This provides an additional layer of assurance for your data privacy.

Prompt Saving

If Privacy Mode is disabled, Cursor AI may save prompts and responses to improve their AI models, but your code itself will not be stored.

By leveraging these privacy features, especially the Privacy Mode, you can code with Cursor AI while keeping your code and data fully protected. The choice of enabling Privacy Mode is up to you based on your specific privacy requirements.

How do I enable Privacy Mode in Cursor AI

To enable Privacy Mode in Cursor AI and protect your code's privacy:

  1. Open Cursor AI and click on the settings gear icon in the top-right-corner.
  2. Navigate to the "Privacy Mode" section in the settings menu.
  3. Look for the "Privacy Mode" option and enable it. This is Cursor AI's Privacy Mode.

When Local/Ghost Mode is enabled:

  • None of your code will be stored by Cursor AI or any third-party (except for OpenAI and Anthropic, which provide the AI models).
  • Your code remains completely private and secure, as it is never used to train Cursor AI's models.
  • Cursor AI will not send any of your code to their servers for processing. All AI-powered features will run locally on your machine.

You can use Cursor AI's privacy mode with AI-powered coding assistance while keeping your code fully protected and private. The choice to enable Privacy Mode is up to you based on your specific privacy requirements.

Wrapping Up!

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